Dimitris Koufontinas - Geboren am 17.November
@ antikoloniale_aktion | Monday, Jan 1, 0001 | 5 minutes read | Update at Monday, Jan 1, 0001

Die Nachricht von der Rückverlegung Dimitris Koufontinas in das Domokos Gefängnis in einem solch heiklen Gesundheitszustand ist ein Aufruf zu handeln.

Durch die Befreiung seines Buches hoffen wir, dass sich Ideen in praktische Solidarität verwandeln können. Es ist unsere Entscheidung, auf welcher Seite wir stehen, entweder unterstützen wir die Folterer durch Schweigen oder gehen den Weg der Solidarität.

The news of Dimitris Koufontinas being transferred back to Domokos prison in such a delicate health condition it’s a call for action.

By freeing his book (the version in German) we hope ideas can turn into practical solidarity. It’s our decision on which side to stand, either supporting the torturers through silence or joining the path of solidarity.

Als wir zu Beginn dieses Jahres den Aufruf zur Solidarität mit Dimitris Koufontinas fünften Hungerstreiks erhielten, fühlten wir sofort eine Verbindung zu seinem Kampf. Das Schweigen der Medien, die Gleichgültigkeit der hegemonialen Politik und unser eigenes Unwissen, alarmierten uns . Je weniger Informationen wir finden konnten, desto mehr wollten wir wissen. Und dann kam plötzlich Unterstützung aus ganz unterschiedlichen Teilen der Welt aufzutauchen.

Wir erleben in diesen Monaten, wie Dimitris politische Klarheit und Beständigkeit in seinem Kampf für revolutionäre Veränderung(en) die Mauern des Gefängnisses durchbrachen. Wie er sich einer sozialen Bewegung anschloss in einem Dialog seiner Aktionen und Erklärungen mit den Menschen, die auf den Straßen kämpfen:

“Da ich die Kraft dieser Kämpfe sehe, erkläre ich für meinen Teil, dass ich mit Herz und Verstand dort bin, mitten unter euch.” -D.

Die letzten Monate waren voll von Unsicherheiten, Desinformationskampagnen und Zensur. Dimitris wurde von seiner Familie, den Ärzten und der sozialen Bewegung isoliert, um die Mauern der Repression zu verstärken. Jede Solidaritätsbekundung in Griechenland wurde mit von den Bullen brutal angegriffen. Aber die Menschen handelten trotzdem. Erst zu Hunderten, dann zu Tausenden. Der polizeilichen Repression wurde mit internationalistischer militanter Gegenmacht begegnet.

Wir sind glücklich zu sehen, wie unsere GenossInnen in Griechenland zusammenkommen und loslegen und wir fühlen uns mit diesen Kämpfen verbunden. Diese letzten Monate eröffnen für uns die Diskussion über neue Wege des Internationalismus. Ein Internationalismus, der sich der Globalisierung widersetzt, ein Internationalismus, der politische Unterschiede akzeptiert, ohne in Reformismus zu verfallen, ein Internationalismus, der der neoliberalen und identitären Art Politik zu machen entkommt.

Nichts wird vom deutschen Nationalstaat mehr gefürchtet als die Kontinuität in der sozialen Bewegung. Er arbeitet ständig daran,zu trennen und zu isolieren. Er spaltet die soziale Bewegung, indem er Teile ihrer Geschichte auslöscht. Deshalb sehen wir die Weitergabe von Informationen und Erfahrungen zwischen den Bewegungen und Generationen als eine notwendige Aktion auf dem Weg zu anderen Welt(en).

Nichts wird von den Eliten mehr gefürchtet als das Bewusstsein der Menschen ihrer kollektive Stärke und gemeinsamen Geschichte.

Wir hoffen ihr habt beim Lesen von Dimitris Buch genauso viel Spaß wie wir es hatten.

Solidarität mit Dimitris Koufontinas!

Wir vergessen nicht, dass er seine Freiheit für den revolutionären antiimperialistischen Kampf gab.

Long live free culture, fuck private property!

When we received the call for solidarity announcing the 5th hunger strike of Dimitris Koufontinas in the dawn of this year, we felt an immediate connection to him and his struggle. The silence of the media, the indifference of hegemonic politics and even our own lack of knowledge sounded an alarm to us. The less information we could find the more we wanted to know. And then suddenly support from very different parts of the world started to emerge.

We experience in this months how Dimitris political clarity and perseverance for revolutionary change(s) broke the walls of the prison. Making him joining a social movement, and creating a constant dialog of his actions and declarations with the people fighting on the streets:

“Seeing the power of these struggles, I declare for my part that with heart and mind I am there, among you.” -D.

The last month were full of uncertainties, disinformation campaigns and censorship. Dimitris was isolated from his family, doctors and the social movement in an attempt to reinforce the walls of repression. Every declaration of solidarity in Greece was met with brutal police attacks. But nevertheless People acted. First hundreds than thousands. Police repression was met with internationalist militant counter power.

We are happy to see our comrades in Greece coming together and getting started and we feel a strong connection to these fights. This last months open the discussion for us about new ways of internationalism. An internationalism that opposes globalization, an internationalism that acccept political differences without falling into reformisn, an internationalism that escapes the neo-liberal and identitarian way of doing politics.

Nothing is feared more by the German National State then the social movement continuity. It’s always working to create separations, isolation . Dividing the social movement by erasing parts of it’s history. Therefore we see the trespassing of information and experiences withing the movements and generations a necessary action for constructing another world(s).

Nothing is feared more by the elites than people realizing their collective strength and their joint histories. We hope you enjoy reading Dimitris book as much as we did.

Solidarity with Dimitris Koufontinas!

We do not forget, he gave his liberty for the revolutionary anti-imperalist cause.

Long live free culture, fuck private property!







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Hugo theme- Adapted from Dream from Yue Yang under MIT Licence

as for our part we give a fuck about Copyright.


As a Community we consider that the anti-colonial struggle should be central to our revolutionary projections in Berlin. Therefore, it is essential to do politics in connection with our environment, finding in it a social mesh of communal resistance. A resistance that allows us to confront our responsibility of destabilise the imperial harmony in which we will never be free.

We Think-feel colonialism, as any force of dominance that considers a culture or knowledge better than others and therefore grants power of dominance among peoples. That is why we see it as the backbone that governs the hetero-patriarchal, white, classist and ableist capitalist system in which we are immersed.

We see a lack of knowledge and reflection on colonial structures in our daily routines, and we understand this is a result of the acceleration and neo-liberal hyper-individualism that governs us as a Berlin society. An acceleration, which we have even let into our declared leftist political practices, that is why our struggle often arises from the pain and sadness we suffer with our comrades.

Our political practices and revolutionary ideals are not based on identitarian conceptions; on the contrary, different systemic realities converge in AA, sharing ideals for the creation of interconnected future(s).

Our analysis of the system and the matrix of domination in which we are all immersed helps us to be able to act accordingly towards world(s) with communal autonomy(s). The material abundance of modern society costs lives. Conscious of the unjustifiable massacres, our societies choose to (re)produce this living every day: a political anaesthesia in pursuit of an individual life that constantly hangs on the increase of private profit.

We combat the anti-insurrectional policies that we recognise in various geographies. Police and territorial control tactics are repeated in Jakarta, Islamabad, Berlin or Rio de Janeiro. A repetition that writes the family tree of the police and the bourgeoisie; who, in the face of an intensified global class war, not only repress all social uprising, but also attempt to erase our revolutionary creativity in imagining other worlds and other lives.

Therefore, we do not seek to claim the right to privileges under the standards which this system has defined as such. On the contrary, we refute the idea of technical and meritocratic modern development, which makes us believe that we must all achieve the same goal in life. A mechanism that was established hundreds of years ago and operates today almost naturally, erasing in its path entire cultures, social dreams as well as life experiences and understanding. Thus, increasingly sketching a world of pretension, oblivion and impunity.

We do not accept the place that was given to us, neither of dominated nor of dominant. Standing at the heart of the classist system that seeks to numb us in the supermarket of advantages and comforts, we get up every day to build a different way of life, a communal life. Our political struggle can only be consolidated when our existence does not affect the power of autonomies of other communes. That is why in our work the exchange and learning from/to other realities and utopias is essential. Our actions are a result of this, and if through them we make mistakes, we are happy and open to be told, since we understand our political activity as a cultural tool, and therefore as a process in constant (re)evolution.